Thursday, September 23, 2010

Just missed anchoring in a storm

21/22 September. The plan was to tie up at Penetanguishene, (pronounced Penetanguishene), Town Dock, do laundry, reprovision, visit the library to update the blog etc. and then anchor again at Discovery harbour. We were later than expected leaving the dock and started heading to Discovery. No sooner had we set off than the sky turned black, the winds turned against us and things started looking ugly. So we returned to the dock, tied up in 30 knt winds and learned a few docking lessons in the process. The wind then really started to howl, and did so most of the evening accompanied by thunder and lightening. Boy were we grateful not to be at anchor. Had we left earlier and anchored, we probably would have been OK (we have a big anchor), but it would have been scary for sure. We heard later that several boats in the area were damaged. Wednesday Ron develped a sore back, so we stayed put for another day.

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