Monday, September 3, 2012

Monday September 3rd

We had a very nice beat to Westport, 44° 10.94N 73° 25.82W.  Winds averaging 12 knots and another beautiful, sunny day.  We docked, and took our bikes to explore the town.  It didn’t take very long – not much going on here!  We had planned to go to Port Henry tomorrow, and since Westport was a little disappointing, we cycled to Port Henry to check it out.  After a very hilly ride to windward, we decided that Port Henry was probably not worth a visit.  The sail there promises to be beautiful though, so we’re currently planning to sail there and then anchor somewhere in this area for tomorrow night.    

Ship’s log: 2373.7 Today's log: 12.3nm, Season total: 738.2 nm

1 comment:

  1. Wow, back in your home state of Vermont on the boat! Sounds like it was a great sailing season!

    - Brett (signed in with my blog nom de plume)
