Thursday, June 15, 2017

Thursday 15th June.

Another early start – we set off at 5:30 motoring in light winds heading for Scituate.  The winds stayed light until we were just past Boston, when they came in from the SE.  We hoisted sails and had a glorious sail at 7+ knots towards our destination.  At this rate we would arrive at 2pm, way ahead of schedule.  It wasn’t to last however, the winds backed and headed us and increased to something pretty high (still no wind instruments).  We reefed and motor-tacked into huge seas, finally entering Scituate, 42 11.99N 070 43.40W at 3:45pm.  Not a pleasant finish to the day, but we had at least had another day of good progress. 

Ships Log: 6191.3, Todays Log: 57.2, Seasons Total: 129.3

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