Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday June 25th.

Went for a bike ride which ended with some drizzle.  We didn’t get too wet though and when we got back we had a look at our mosquito panels with their new zips.  The boat was still too wet to continue the project but the zips looked very nice - (Plug for Larry Bronson – Top of the Line Canvas, 607 849 6006).  We filled up with water, gas and propane since we were planning on being in Canada the next few days and would rather not buy gas there!  Had a pleasant sail to Ivy Lea, 44° 21.52N 76° 00.99W and managed to avoid the rain, although it was a lot cooler than it has been.  We docked at Williams Marine.  An odd harbor!  There are 3 “marinas” here.  2 of them share the same main dock, and each has finger pontoons on their respective sides.  The other “marina” has its own main dock, parallel to the 1st.  There doesn’t seem to be enough business to support 3 operations, but I suppose it must be working.  The rain started again shortly after we docked and continues as we write this @ 9:30pm.  Went for a walk on Ivy Lea Road after eating dinner on the boat.  Saw 3 fox, floating cottages, and many lovely homes and gardens.  It’s a very pretty area.

Ship’s log: 1709.5 Today's log: 7.5nm, Season total: 74.0nm

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