Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday June 20th.

Started the morning with a bike ride then visited a wonderful bakery where we bought some breakfast supplies and bread for this evening.  Explored Kingston a little then set off about 2pm for Gananoque 44° 19’.42N 76° 09’.88W.  We had a light wind behind us so we hoisted our new screecher, (large downwind sail), and had a very pleasant sail to Gananoque.   At about 2:30 we saw a catamaran off our port bow.  The binoculars came out and we were amazed to see that it was another Tomcat 9.7 – (as far as we know, and excluding any parallel universes, there are only 18 in existence at the moment).  They also spotted us, so we both altered course and we made acquaintance of “Tango” – Ted and Kerry - hull #1 no less!  We chatted briefly and then continued on our respective ways.  We reached Gananoque at about 6pm, tied up and explored by bike.  A very attractive little town. 
Ship’s log: 1684.9 Today's log: 14.8nm, Season total: 49.4nm

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