Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Monday, July 22nd

We awoke at 5:30, and the mooring lines were fine.  We had planned to leave for Cap a l’Aigle anyway at around 6am to catch the fair tide, so we left a little earlier than planned.  Once again we had no wind, so motored all the way.  It was cold in the morning – around 58F.  We arrived at Cap a l’Aigle, 47 39.79N 070 05.77W, at 9am.  Fair tides do wonders for travel times!  We settled into our berth and went for a bike ride to Malbaie and Point au Pic - it’s hilly here.  Point au Pic is a very quaint town with several gites, auberges and restaurants and we had a very nice lunch here.  On the way back, the tide was coming back in over the flats, and we stopped to watch the kite surfers displaying their skills in the shallow waters. 

Ship’s Log: 2863.3nm, Today's log: 12.1nm, Season total: 409.4nm.

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