Saturday, September 5, 2015

Friday September 4th.

We had a short sail today to Islesboro.  Despite the prevailing winds being SW, we had NE winds, bang on the nose.  Anyway, since we hadn’t had any winds to speak of recently we were glad of the opportunity to sail.  Until they dropped to 4 knots and the boat speed dropped to 2 knots.  So the engines went on again!

We pulled into Dark Harbor, 44 15.30N 068 55.41W and picked up a mooring.  It didn’t look like a visitors mooring so Ron went for a ride in the dinghy to investigate where the visitors moorings were.  They were over the other side of the channel in Cradle Cove on 700 Acre Island, 44 15.67N 068 56.33W, so we headed over there and found a mooring. 
Our guide book suggested that the best cycling was on Islesboro Island, so we loaded the bikes into the dinghy and set off back to Islesboro.  The island has many beautiful homes, apparently owned by the rich and famous (such as John Travolta).  And it also has lots of gorgeous views. 

After cycling to the southern tip, we headed north again and Ron wanted to reach the village of Dark Harbor, where he hoped to find some ice cream.  Sure enough we found a likely looking store and parked our bikes.  No sooner had we done so than a lady came out of the store and said “I hope you’re not looking for ice cream, ‘cause we’ve run out”.  Initially we thought this was some kind of Dark harbor humour, but alas, it was true.  We looked around the store anyway, ignored the huge ice cream menu, and then mounted our trusty bikes again.  After a few miles we found another store, and solved the ice cream problem!

Ships Log: 5585, Todays Log: 14.4, Seasons Total: 1137.1

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