Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Tuesday September 8th.

Set off for Rockland, 44 06.03N 069 06.40W, where we’re hoping to get our VHF diagnosed.  (It does not have the range it should).  The winds started out promising, 7-8 knots on the quarter so we hoisted the screecher and cruised along at 3.5 knots of boat speed with a knot of fair tide giving us a an SOG of 4.5 knots.  Not earth shattering, but very pleasant.  As we keep reporting, the winds died after an hour or so, and we motored the rest of the way to Rockland where we tied up on the public landing to await the VHF repair man while we (Teresa) did our laundry. 

It was hot and humid again, with no wind and we wished we were at anchor, where we could at least go for a swim.  The VHF man didn’t show and we went for a walk along the (very short) boardwalk. 

Ships Log: 5624.3, Todays Log: 18.7, Seasons Total: 1176.4

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