Saturday, June 29, 2013

Friday June 28th

Thank you Brett, for your contributions as guest blogger.  Unfortunately we’re back to Ron with his far less poetic renditions. 
It poured down all night long and most of the morning.  So we developed a dose of lazyitus, and read in bed until about 10am.  We have a phone app that monitors whether the anchor’s dragging, (My Anchor Watch Pro), which is pretty good.  However GPS is not an exact science and sometimes, for example last night, we get false alarms.  So Ron dived on the anchor just out of curiosity.  Brrr, it seemed a lot colder today than yesterday.  Anyway, the anchor was deeply buried which is just how it should be.  Treated ourselves to Ham ‘n Eggs for brunch, the rain stopped and the sun came out.  We decided to go into the Burlington dock to replenish water, recharge the batteries etc.  The wind was blowing hard though, and Ron made a pretty poor job of docking the boat.  No damage but the dockhands had a workout.  We went for a short bike ride while the sun was still shining, and then returned to North Beach to anchor. 

Our friends Laura and Rick came in to Burlington for the evening, so we dinghied in to the beach and walked back to Burlington to meet up with them.  We went for another short bike ride and then for a delicious and very good value Nepalese meal.  Yum.  We walked back along the bike path having forgotten a flashlight.  No worries, the fireflies showed us the way.  A beautiful walk.  Suddenly, Ron spotted a larger white object moving along the edge of the path about 4 feet away.  Just in time the word “Skunk” popped into his head and he walked to the other side of the path, where Teresa had already taken refuge.  Phew, a close shave.  We got back to the beach, jumped into the dinghy and rowed back to Quinita.  Just as we arrived, it started raining.  Wow, twice lucky in one night. 

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