Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Saturday 8th June

Rain was forecast which kept the crowds away from the Jazzfest. A shame since it didn’t actually rain although it was overcast and threatened all day.  We actually spent most of the day touring 4 Vermont breweries by foot and got 4 stamps in our Vermont Brewery Passports.  So we’re well on the way to getting the T Shirt awarded for 10 brewery visits!   We also visited the Saratoga Oil Company and sampled their extensive collection of Olive Oils and Vinegars. 5 start for Saratoga.  Oh yes and we heard a little Jazz. 

Returned to the boat for Shepherd Pie, (thanks Marc), and played BezzerWizzle.  Marc & Dee got all the easy questions and also cheated, so they won!  

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