Friday, June 21, 2013

Thursday 20th June

Teresa went for walk up a hill she hadn’t climbed yet and discovered Vergennes Northlands Job Corps Academy consisting of many old brick buildings and after getting back to the boat she googled to find that it’s a no cost school providing job counseling and training for 16 to 24 years olds
We then had a leisurely motor down the 7 miles of Otter Creek back to the lake.  A gentle breeze was blowing so we hoisted sails and sailed (to windward naturally) most of the way back to Burlington.  The winds were light – between 4 and 8 knots which made for a pleasant, albeit slow, beat.  One of the nice things abut sailing, particularly when winds are light and the boat is quiet, is that you get to see nature close up.  This island is called Stone Boat, 44 14.19N 73 20.06W.  At 5pm we admitted defeat in 3 knot winds and motored the rest of the way.  Anchored at North beach again for the night.  

Ship’s Log: 2572.5nm, Today's log: 28.3nm, Season total: 118.6nm.

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