Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Friday 20th June.

Teresa started polishing the boat and got most of it done.  Ron started ‘telephony hell’.  Way to boring to document here, but suffice to say that neither Verizon (our US phone provider), nor Bell (the Canadian company) delivered what they said they would.  ‘Telephony hell’ was to last the next few days, enough said.  Ron drilled a hole through one of our hatches in order to fit the new handle that broke last year, only to find that the replacement part didn’t fit.  Another 45 minutes on the phone to Lewmar, who admitted they had sent the wrong part and promised to figure out how to get a replacement to us in Canada.  Meanwhile, Ron modified the part we did have so that it would fit – watertight, but ugly. 

We dined at Sheltered Harbor for the 2nd night in a row.  Obviously we enjoyed it. 

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