Saturday, June 28, 2014

Friday 27th June.

Beautiful blue skies and the predicted strong winds.  However, the promised NW winds for tomorrow have fallen off the forecast.  We did a few last minute preparations for tomorrow’s first sail of the season and then went for a bike ride to Basin’s Head – home of the famous “Singing Sand” beach.  It was a nice beach, sunny but cool, and if you scuff your feet in the sand as you walk is makes a squeaky sound – hence singing sands.  The sand did sing, but not very tunefully!  You can also make the sands sing with your hands, but it's still not very tunefull, and least when Ron was doing it.
Back to the boat, and Tom came around with a few beers to bid us farewell. 

We bought take out pizza, ate on the boat and had an early night in preparation for a 6am departure tomorrow.

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