Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday 18th June.

Left Vermont, planning to enter Canada and spend the night at St. John in New Brunswick.  We had also planned to buy some last minute nautical goods in St. John since Google didn’t reveal many chandlers in Canada – strange, since there are a lot of sailors here.  Anyway we spoke with the chandler in St John and he arranged to meet us at the Information Centre, which he did.  He didn’t carry what we wanted, but presented us with a catalogue from a chandler in Charlottetown, PEI who did.  Welcome to New Brunswick hospitality!  We also picked up a Canadian sim card so that we would have internet access on some of the more remote parts of our upcoming trip.  All this went very smoothly and so we pressed on to Monkton where we spent the night, only 250 miles from the boat. 

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