Saturday, June 28, 2014

Saturday 28th June.

Woke up at 5:30am, and left the dock at 6:15am.  As we suspected our promised NW 10-15 knot winds did not materialize and so we started motoring hoping that they would appear later in the day.   Apart from there being no wind it’s a beautiful day – sunny and warm but not too hot.  Perfect for yoga on the trampoline and practicing some photography with our new camera.  We saw several whales, seals and dolphins on route. 

The winds never appears so we motored 56nm to Chéticamp, Nova Scotia, 46 37.94N 061 00.68W.  We motored around looking for a place to dock and were invited to raft with several Quebecois boats from l’Ilse de la Madelaine.  They were partying and were very sociable.  We went ashore for a walk and on our return we given some crab legs by our Quebecois neighbours.  They were difficult to eat, especially since we didn’t have the right utensils, but a delicious appetizer! 

Ships Log: 3643.1, Todays Log: 55.1, Seasons Total: 55.1

1 comment:

  1. R& T:

    Glad to hear you're finally on the water - we were starting to wonder! Robyn is in your old haunt, Amsterdam, for a mini-vacation after a work trip to Munich last week. Take care, and keep the great stories coming.

    Brett & Robyn
