Friday, August 5, 2016

Monday August 1st.

For the first time in several days, we had enough wind to sail and so we did.  It lasted 11 minutes L.
And then we motored to Pemaquid Harbor, 43 52.99N 069 30.93W.  We had planned to anchor, and did in fact drop the hook, but soon realized we were too close to the many moored boated.  So we headed up the harbour in search of a favourable anchoring spot.  Then we had a better idea – we checked the DEYC mooring share system, found a free mooring and picked it up. 
We went ashore for a walk and found a ranger giving a guided tour around the Pemaquid Fort and 17th century settlement, so we joined in with the group and enjoyed the informative talk. 

Dinner back on Quinita was preceded by a delicious mackerel appetizer, although there was way too much for an appetizer, so we kept some for lunch tomorrow

Ships Log: 5991.1, Todays Log: 14.7, Seasons Total: 295.9

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