Monday, August 1, 2016

Saturday July 30th.

Another hot and windless day.  We went to a wonderful farmer’s market in the morning and stocked up on fresh vegetables.  We got back to Quinita just in time to watch the parade of sail through the harbour.  Most of the boats were beautiful,  some were huge and very expensive.  Here’s a link to Belle Aventure

After the parade we took a bike ride to Rockport, 44 11.07N 69 04.57W.  Ron then continued riding south to Owls Head Transportation Museum, while Teresa headed back north to hike the Camden Hills. 

The Transportation Museum was well worth the visit, with cars, motor cycles and aeroplanes dating back to the beginnings of their respective histories. 

And the views from the Camden Hills were spectacular. 
In the evening we had one of the best meals ever at a restaurant called Fresh.  Highly recommended!

Ships Log: 5956.2, Todays Log: 0, Seasons Total: 261

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