Monday, August 1, 2016

Tuesday July 26th.

We took a bus to the South Ridge hiking trail over Cadillac Mountain.  It was a beautiful hike to the summit where there was a parking lot and hundreds of ‘tourists’.  We continued the hike down the other side (with stunning views of Frenchman’s Bay) to where we were expecting to pick up a bus to take us home.  The buses run very much to schedule, so after waiting for ½ hour and the bus was 10 minutes late, we called the bus company who informed us we were waiting at the wrong place.  By now we had missed the last bus, so started hitch hiking.  A park ranger stopped, (didn’t arrest us for illegal hitch hiking), and dropped us at the welcome center where we picked up a bus to Bar Harbor, then another to NE harbor and Quinita.  We picked up some take out lobster rolls in Bar Harbor, got back to the boat at around 8:30pm, had a quick and much needed shower, and dined aboard. 

Ships Log: 5906.1, Todays Log: 0, Seasons Total: 210.9

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