Friday, August 5, 2016

Tuesday August 2nd.

The tides we not favourable to sail to Boothbay Harbor until midday, so we went ashore and took the walk we didn’t manage yesterday.  A very nice, peaceful area. 

Winds were promising for a sail to Boothbay Harbor and we set off just before noon and we were soon enjoying a sedate sail towards Boothbay.  The winds were light however, and eventually we had a boat speed of 0, so the engines went on.  Better than nothing though! 

Whenever we anchor or pick up a mooring, we record the ships log and GPS position for this very blog.  Today, on arrival at Boothbay, the log read exactly 6000.00nm. 

We cleaned up the boat and went for a short bike ride before dinner. 

Ships Log: 6000.00, Todays Log: 8.9, Seasons Total: 304.8

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