Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Saturday August 6th.

Ron moved the boat to a mooring at Browns since no one would be on the boat most of the day.  He finished up a few boat jobs, then cycled to Southport, picked up the car and drove to Great Bay Marina in Newington, NH.  We’re planning on wintering Quinita there.  Teresa drove there from CT, and we left her car there so that we’d have a car available to us when we laid up. 

We drove back to Boothbay, via Lewiston, which happens to be the home of Baxters Brewing Company, Ron’s new favourite brewery.  He took in a growler or 2, but was informed that Maine law prohibits breweries from filling other breweries growlers.  This is stupid!  Please write to your senators!!!  To make matters worse, they didn’t have any growlers of their own so Ron was out of luck.  Having driven perhaps 40 miles out of our way, we were only able to pick up a few cans! 
It was not all bad though.  Lewiston has a fine Indian restaurant where we dined before returning to the boat. 

Ships Log: 6000, Todays Log: 0, Seasons Total: 304.8

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