Monday, August 1, 2016

Thursday July 28th.

We set off early to catch the tide to Seal Bay on Vinal Haven, 44 05.89N 068 48.07W with a nice close reach and 8-10 knot winds.  Twice throughout the day the winds died in between the several island we were passing though, and we found ourselves with no wind, plenty of lobster pots and ½ knot currents.  So reluctantly, the engines went on, but we only needed them for 7 minutes and then 4 minutes to get us back to clear air and good sailing breezes.  So all in all it was a very nice sail. 

On the way we passed Halibut Ledge, 44 06.56N 68 41.59W, and saw a hundred or so seals basking in the sunshine. 

We arrived at Seal Bay just in time to drop the hook, clean up the boat and have lunch.  This is another beautiful harbour, and so far we have it to ourselves.  We took a little dinghy tour, then had a relaxing afternoon. 

We almost had the bay to ourselves, but 2 very expensive looking powerboats dropped anchor in the bay late in the afternoon.  Fortunately, they were a distance away from us. 

Ships Log: 5939.4, Todays Log: 15.8, Seasons Total: 244.2

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