Saturday, August 6, 2011

Friday, August 5th.

Another humid, hazy, windless day as we motor towards Port Sanilac, 43° 25’.81N 82° 32’.30W.  We had a significant event, however – at 12:39 EDT, 43° 35’.82N 82° 33’.20W Quinita’s log reached 1000nm!  Unfortunately we didn’t have any champagne in the fridge so we weren’t able to toast to her.  We docked in Port Sanilac right next to a replica Columbus era ship.  The ship was built using tools of the day and as closely as possible to the original design.  They’re looking for crew, so if anyone’s interested, take a look at
We took the bikes out for a ride - a cute little town, but very small with a busy marina. 
Today’s log: 30.1 nm, season total: 860.4

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