Friday, August 19, 2011

Sunday, August 14th

The forecast today was not good.  Rain all day with a possibility of thunderstorms and waterspouts, but it was not look good tomorrow either, and we needed to be in Cleveland, 41° 31’.54N 81° 39’.93W, so we set off in pouring rain.  We had very little wind and the rain poured all day so motored all the way.  The boat is very dry, and has a hardtop so we actually stayed dry all day, despite the heavy rain.  The only time one of us got wet (Teresa), was when we docked and had to put out fenders and dock lines.  Of course, just after we docked, the rain stopped.  We docked at the Lakeside Yacht Club, and the rain soon started again and pounded us all night.  Amazing, our first day of real rain since we started cruising, (although we’ve had rain at night). 
Today’s log: 27.4 nm, season total: 1044.2

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