Sunday, August 7, 2011

Saturday, August 6th.

Changed the engine oil and set off towards Port Huron, 42° 58’.43N 82° 25’.24W.  Yes, you guessed it, no wind!  Port Huron is at the start of the St. Clair River, which runs into Lake St. Clair.  Lake St. Clair drains into the Detroit River and this system links Lake Huron and Lake Erie.  So we’ll soon be leaving Lake Huron.  Strangely, the ships log reset itself sometime between yesterday and today.  (No it doesn’t just count up to 1000nm – we saw it at 1010 nm yesterday!)  It’s supposed to act like the odometer in a car and this is essential for traditional navigation, where you need to know how far you’ve travelled since your last known position.  Anyway, we calculated that it should have read 1011.2nm when we started today.  Annoying!
Docked at Port Huron Yacht Club.  Complimentary dockage the first night, and very nice friendly members.  Thanks, Andy and Ann for suggesting your club.  We discovered that the St, Clair River is closed tomorrow from 10:30 till , for a power  boat race.  So we’re planning to get up early tomorrow and transit the river before the race starts.  Actually the race did us a favour.  We were debating whether to visit Windsor on the Canadian side of the river, or Detroit on the US side.  So given that we’re leaving early, and the river has a 4 knot fair current through it, we’re skipping our next planned port of call, (Algonac), and will head to Windsor.  Then we have a 3 nm trip the next day and so will be able to visit both cities. 
Today’s log: 21.1 nm, season total: 881.5

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