Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday, August 4th

Happy birthday, Harvey! 
Went to bed with the wind howling last night and pushing us onto the dock.  So we pressed our 2 anchor balls into service as additional fenders, oiled them all up with washing up liquid and slept well through the night.  By morning the winds were much lighter and we anticipated a nice sail towards Harbor Beach, 43° 51’.33N 82° 38’.81W.  Once again we found ourselves sailing to windward in 5-6 knot winds making about 2-3 knots towards our destination.  After a couple of hours the winds were down to 4 knots so we motor-sailed the rest of the way.  We arrived about 4:30, took advantage of the marina’s courtesy van to get our spare gas bottle filled and went for a bike ride on rinky dink marina bikes.  Harbor Beach is a very small town with not much going on. 
A couple of weeks ago we were plagued with mosquitos and couldn’t wait for the mossie season to end.  It now appears to have ended, but the mossies were replaced a few days ago with millions of tiny flies.  Now we seem to be in spider season, with cobwebs growing as fast as we can remove them.   Life is tough out here!
Today’s log: 30.2nm, season total:  830.3

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