Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Saturday, July 30th

Well I guess I spoke too soon about downwind sailing from now on.  We left Rogers City in very light winds and motored for 1 ½ hours.  Then the wind picked up from the SE, which coincidentally was the direction we were sailing in.  So we had another beat.  Pleasant though in flat seas and with winds around 10 knots.  We arrived at Presque Isle, 45° 20’.10N 83° 28’.92W, and started furling the genoa.  With ¼ still unfurled it locked up so we left that small section unfurled while we dropped the main and anchored.  As we were trying to furl the genoa a small sailing dinghy sailed up to us and was asking all sorts of questions about the boat, where we’d come from etc. etc.  He didn’t seem to notice that we had some problems we were trying to deal with.  Then after we anchored and Ron was trying to fix the problem, another guy from an anchored sailboat appeared in his tender and asked us if our boat was a Tomcat (which it is).  Great, everybody wants to chat while we’re trying to fix problems.  However the 2nd guy was a blessing in disguise.  It turns out he’s interested in buying a cat like our and he also happens to be a mechanical engineer who loves fixing things.  So we invited him to go and fetch his wife so that we could show them our boat and our problem furler.  Andy spent about an hour working with Ron and fixed the broken furler, and we spent about ½ hour showing them the boat.  Sounds like a good deal to us.  Thanks Andy and Ann of “God Speed” for your help. 
Today’s log: 25nm, season total: 694.8

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