Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday, September 16th

Ron solo’d to Bonnie Castle Yacht Basin in Alexandria Bay, 44° 20’.59N 75° 54’.74W.  Light winds so sailed some of the way, but motor-sailed most of it.  Had a taste of the 1000 islands today – gorgeous as everyone has been telling us.  We’ll explore more fully next season. 
Docked at Bonnie Castle – twice.  The first time the guy had me come into a dock that was 16’ wide, which was unfortunate, since Quinita is 16’ wide and with fenders out she’s a little wider!  We managed to get half way in and wedged, so decided to try a dock that was actually big enough for us! 
The view from the marina is beautiful which makes up for the showers which are not beautiful.  Oh well, this promises to be a great place for the winter layup and we’ve certainly showered in worse places. 
Today’s log: 26.4 nm, season total: 1502.0

1 comment:

  1. It looks beautiful! I'm surprised you made it out of Kingston after finding that Brewing Company :) I hope the weather stays good for your activities this week. Now, lets see if my comment is posted...
