Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunday, September 11th

Set off for Cobourg, 43° 57’.32N 78° 09’.92W, with light winds on the nose.  So we motored and hoped for the promised windshift to the SW which would have allowed us to try out our new screecher.  It didn’t happen.  What did happen was that Mary got seasick, and passed out … twice!  After the first time we didn’t worry too much but after the second time we decided to put Mary and Teresa ashore at Port Hope, and hope for the best.  Once ashore, Mary felt much better and she and Teresa cycled to Cobourg while Ron sailed there solo. 
Tried to access the internet to update the blog, but we discovered it cost $10/day ,so y’all have to wait!
Had a pleasant walk around the town, and then enjoyed trout on the grill for dinner. 
Today’s log: 24.4 nm, season total: 1365.0

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