Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday, September 15th.

Teresa and Mary jumped ship for Jay, VT.  Mary is heading back to CT and Teresa will attend her GAL training and then meet Ron at Alexandria Bay where we’ll lay the boat up for the winter. 
Ron spent the day putzing around in Kingston, doing various jobs around the boat and preparing for (probably) the last sail of the season.  In the evening, Ron went to The Kingston Brewing Company.  You must go there.  It has wonderful beer, excellent atmosphere, superb service and excellent beer. Oh, and the beer’s pretty good too.  If you're in North America, come here! It's only 7hrs 22mins from Boston, MA and 1 day 21hrs from San Francisco. Well worth the drive. I recommend a pint of the Dragons Breath Real Ale.  Then switch to Dragons Breath Pale Ale, otherwise you’ll fall off your chair before you get to the end game.  What more can I say. Oh yes, the chap on the next table, heard me extolling the virtues of the beer and suggested I try the "beau" beer. So he bought me one. How good can it get?  By the way here’s a link to the pub:  The Kingston Brewing Company.  Go there!

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