Sunday, September 4, 2011

Friday, September 2nd.

Sailed and motor sailed to Toronto, 43° 37’.77N 79° 19’.96W.  Very pleasant sailing, interspersed with periods of light winds.  Toronto has a huge tower which we should have been able to see all the way across the lake (about 23 nm).  As it turned out it was a very hazy day and we didn’t see it until we were about 2 miles away, when Toronto gradually appear out of the haze. 
We were planning to have some work done on the boat by the builders who are based close to Toronto.  The work was not to start until next week, so Keith, one of the boat builders who Ron worked with last year, arranged a mooring for us at his sailing club – the Aquatic Park Sailing Club.  It’s not shown on the charts and we had verbal directions on how to get there.  We entered the bay and asked a passing tri-maran to confirm where it was.  He sent us off in a different direction, we found the dock and 2 guys waved us in and took our lines.  Keith sails a Tomcat 6.2, the club we were in was almost entirely multihulls and the 2 guys were very friendly, so we figured we must be in the right place and Keith was delayed.  It turns out though that we were in the wrong sailing club!  They knew Keith however and sent us off to the correct club where we found Keith.  We docked for the night, had a few beers and burgers with Keith, Hazel (his wife), Lynn (her sister) and several other members. 
Today’s log: 28.9 nm, season total: 1266.4

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