Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tuesday, September 13th

Teresa and Mary set off for Waupoos, 44° 00’.03N 76° 59’.42W, by car, found the Waupoos Marina, called Ron with details for docking then set off for a bike ride.  We cycled to The Lake on the Mountain, a geological phenomenon, an underground spring fed lake well above sea level.  Cycled around the coastline enjoying great tail winds, followed by great head winds.  It’s a pretty area with more vineyards, a couple of cheese artisans, and lots of fruit orchards and pretty farms.  Bought a local butternut squash for dinner and the lady gave us a couple of yummy apples to snack on. 
Ron sailed solo again and had an exciting start to the day.  The winds were blowing 20knots from the SW straight into the channel into Wellington.  Having got past the 4’ section there were breaking waves at the channel entrance.  Quinita handled it fine though, although it was a bit lumpy and noisy.  Out in the lake there were 6-8’ waves with the wind almost dead ahead, so Ron got soaked a few times bringing in the fenders and lines – I miss my crew!   Motored the first 6nm while the wind was on the bow and then bore away, raised the main with 1 reef and ¾ genoa.  Then the sailing improved – following seas and 8-9 knots boat speed. 
Today’s log: 43.9 nm, season total: 1445.7

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