Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Monday, September 12th

Teresa and Mary took the car and bikes to Wellington, 43° 57’.07N 77° 20’.27W, where they checked out the “marina”, had lunch at a very nice bistro and toured the area on bikes.  It’s an artist’s haven dotted with boutique vineyards (of course they had a little taste).
Ron sailed solo in light winds and motor-sailed the whole day so that he wouldn’t keep the girls waiting too long for their accommodation to arrive.  The entrance to Wellington was interesting – it’s not on any charts and we were told that it had 4’ depths in places.  It was pretty easy though – there was a narrow channel with the docks at the end, and my 2 dockhands were on the dock waiting to take my lines. 
The marina facilities were a bit basic, with the showers across the channel on the beach.  Teresa and Mary rowed over for a shower while Ron went to the library to use the internet.
Went for a walk to explore the town, dined on the boat and drank a bottle of wine that the ladies bought in a local winery. 
Today’s log: 36.8 nm, season total: 1401.8

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