Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunday, September 4th

Had a lazy-ish day today.  Got up late and did some computer admin – emails, blogging, checking bank accounts etc.  We then cycled to Starbucks, bought an expensive coffee and tea so that we could use their WIFI, only to discover that it was down.  So we cycled on to the next Starbucks and discovered they don’t seem to mind you using their WIFi whether or not you buy anything. 
In the evening we went for a sail with Keith in his boat.  It’s a highly modified Tomcat 6.2, so highly modified in fact that the only original parts are the 2 hulls.  And it’s fast and fun. 
When we got back from the sail, Hazel had cooked dinner for us at the clubhouse.  Jolly good service here!  (Thanks Keith and Hazel)

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