Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday, July 11th

Stayed in Tobermorey for the day. Tobermorey is a quaint harbor town on 2 tiers. Took a longer hike, (about 5 hours), along the Bruce trail through extremely varied terrain to beautiful Little Cove where we had lunch. Returned to the boat, Teresa busied herself with laundry while Ron took care of the composting head. Oh, I forgot to mention my pride and joy, our composting head! This is a magical head (ship’s toilet) that separates the liquids from solids and composts the solids in peat moss. Pee goes into a pee pot and is easy to empty about every other day, (or everyday with 4 people aboard). The compost container lasts much longer but does require emptying occasionally and today was the day. The job went very well, no bad smells – the contents were indeed composted as advertised in the sales literature. See if you’d like to buy one. So, we have a nice sweet smelling head with no need of a 20 gallon holding tank full of “stuff”, blocked pumps, leaky plumbing or pumpout requirements.

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