Monday, July 11, 2011

Tuesday, July 5th

We cut the cord today. Left Midland and Bay Port Marina who looked after us extremely well during the winter and spring. Started out with a nice sail towards Hope Island, but the winds soon died and we motor sailed most of the way. Teresa enjoyed yoga on the trampoline. Arrived at 5pm to another beautiful anchorage with the clearest water imaginable. We used our lightweight Fortress anchor for the first time. On a sandy bottom, it dug in immediately, and at 16lbs it’s much easier to handle than our Rocna (22lbs). Went for a swim, a walk and a dinghy ride over our anchor to take photos of it with our new fancy underwater camera (thanks to the 3 Burg boys). Just as we went to bed the wind started picking up and during the night the Fortress was tested in winds up to 25 knts. It didn’t move an inch all night. Nice!

Today’s log: 20.4, Season total 136.5

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