Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday, July 29th.

Can’t believe it’s almost August!  Headed out towards Rogers City, 45° 25’.36N 83° 48’.70W.  Had a very pleasant downwind sail - the first for a long while.  The wind died at the end of the trip so we motored for a short while.  Then the winds picked up again for the last half hour and, of course, by the time we were docking it was blowing 20 knots.  Borrowed some rinky dink marina bikes and went to explore.  Ron’s chain came off 8 – 10 times in the first hour, which is unfortunate since these bikes only means of braking is back pedaling!  Dined on pork chops, rice, leftovers and red wine.  Nice!
Today’s log: 32.2nm, season total: 669.8

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