Friday, July 22, 2011

Thursday, July 21st

We had a 20+mile sail to windward again today so we set off early and had breakfast  underway of banana bread and fresh wild blueberries that we picked yesterday.  It was another great sail ending up with 20+ knots and a reef in both sails.  We went through Little Detroit, (46° 08’.93N 82° 22’.41W), a passage between 2 islands that’s so narrow only one boat can get through at a time.  You need to call on the radio to announce your intention to transit the passage.  Looked scary on the chart, but was actually OK in the nice weather we had.   Sailed through Whalesback Channel and anchored in Beardrop harbor, 46° 09’.68N 82° 37’.41W, with a little difficulty – it took 3 attempts to get our anchor to hold.  As of this writing, (7pm), it’s still holding so we think we’re OK for the night - with this beautiful sunset what could go wrong?.  This whole area is an Indian Reservation.
Most of our blog so far has been upbeat and positive, but it’s not all perfect.  We’ve been tormented by flies, heat and humidity.  And last night was pretty bad – no wind, plenty of humidity and flies.  This evening we have 20knt of wind over the boat which is wonderfully cooling and, so far at least, is keeping the bugs at bay. 
Today’s log: 30.4nm, season total: 471.8

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