Friday, July 22, 2011

Tuesday, July 19th

We had planned to anchor in Fox Harbour on Rich and Sandra’s recommendation, but the forecast was for SW winds which would have blown straight into the harbor.  So we opted for South Benjamin Island instead 46° 05’.16N 82° 15’.36W.  Actually this was also a Rich and Sandra recommendation and deservedly so – it was beautiful with the ubiquitous pink granite rocks all around.  We started out with no wind, but it filled in later and we had another pleasant sail to windward.  We anchored in a small cove and took a stern line ashore as seems to be the custom in these here parts.  Fellow boaters are very friendly, (who wouldn’t be in beautiful places like these), and a guy came over from a neighbouring boat to borrow a cup of sugar for their morning coffee.  It turned out that they had 4 adults, 5 kids and a dog on a 42’ sailboat.  Now that’s friendly!
Today’s log: 20.1nm, season total: 434.5

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