Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday, July 10th

On waking, we both remarked on what a bug free night we had. And then we looked out at the cockpit – we were absolutely infested with little critters. Spent some time trying to get rid of them and then set sail towards Tobermorey. Had a great sail westward in the forecast SW winds which blew all the bugs away. We were hard on the wind all day with the occasional short starboard tack inshore. Winds gusted to 30 knots and max boat speed was 10 knots. At one point, Teresa was on the helm, in 25 knots of true wind, saying “This is fun”. Monohull sailors, please take note! Tied up in Tobermorey’s Little Tub harbor and met Rich and Sandra who were in the boat next door and who gave us lots of advice on where to visit in the North Channel. Went for a bike ride and hike on the Bruce trail. Had fish and chip supper, went to sleep happy.

Todays log: 22.6, Season total 267.9

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