Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, July 25th

Had a tough sail, (to windward again), today.  The route was 28.7 nm long, but by the time we tacked back and forth for most of the day, we covered 51.8 miles.  We weren’t sailing very efficiently due to the large waves that stopped the boat frequently.  We arrived at Government Bay, 45° 58’.38N 84° 19’.58W, after 8 ½ hours sailing.  So our average sailing speed was 6.1 knots, but our average speed towards our destination was only 3.4 knots.  Such is the life of sailors!  Government Bay is a huge anchorage and there appears to be enough space for 100 or more boats, however it wasn’t mentioned in any of our guides or as an anchorage on the charts.  We found out about it by asking a neighbor in Drummond Island.  Thank goodness we did, otherwise we would have had almost twice the distance to travel to Mackinac.  Not much going on here though, except for a dramatic thunderstorm followed by a beautiful night sky. 
Today’s log: 51.8nm, season total: 593.4

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