Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday, July 16th

Left Covered Portage Cove about 9am heading back to Killarney Channel.  We reserved a dock at the Killarney Mountain Lodge (KML) for tonight. What a lovely area!  It’s on the eastern end of the channel and is very rustic.  There are docks for about 25 boats, a lodge with dining room, circular bar with extraordinary views of the channel, many cottages, flowers, big granite rocks  and Adirondack chairs all over the property.  There is also a swimming pool, tennis courts and badminton net.  We got settled then took our bikes for a spin around the town.  It’s a small town with everything concentrated along the waterfront.  Just about every place of business has docks they rent out to transient boaters or let boaters tie up to while they shop.  We started to hike the trail from the KML to the Lighthouse.  It’s a pretty trail that meanders through the woods to the Lighthouse.  After about 20 minutes into it we surrendered to the mosquitos and turned back thinking we’d return after lunch with long sleeves and pants on.  We had fish and chips for lunch at Herbert’s Fisheries on the docks.  They serve one thing only, fish and chips.  Seating is outside on the docks.  It was packed and the food was good.  After lunch we wanted to take a bike ride to the western end of town.  We came to a dead end with a dirt driveway up a hill with a sign saying welcome to my studio.  We stopped in and spent about a half hour looking a Pierre Sabourin’s art work.  He was an interesting man and enjoyed talking about his work.  We bought a few cards with prints of his paintings.   Upon leaving he invited us to go out to “The Rock” to see the view.  It was magnificent.  Perched on the top of his rock we could see the entire western bay.  It was a stunning view.  Upon leaving we decided to bicycle to the Lighthouse instead of braving the mosquitos again.  It was a pleasant ride on mostly dirt roads. Back to the KML to sit in the shade on this hot day and get our blog up to date.  Tonight we’ll dine in the KML restaurant then go to the bar to listen to the live entertainment, a local guitarist.

Today’s log:  4.5nm, season total: 382.9nm

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