Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday, August 7th.

Got up early (6:15!) and set off towards Windsor, ON, 42° 20’.48N 82° 56’.05W.  Now I promise you I’m not smoking anything wacky, (or anything at all come to that), but today the ships log has started working again.  It skipped yesterday’s log and started recording again from where it left off on Friday.  I’m thinking of contacting Raymarine, the manufacturer, but I’m a bit nervous they’ll send someone to lock me away in the funny farm! 
Anyway another windless day, well perhaps 4/5 knots, but not enough for a 50 mile day, so we motored again.  For the last hour of the trip the sails were up and down like yoyos as the wind kept teasing us. 
We arrived at Windsor Yacht Club around 3:30, tidied up the boat and went for a ride along the bike path that our guide book suggested should not be missed.  Well the ride was OK, but we’re not sure why it was un-missable.  The Ice-Cream was good though! 
Today’s log: 40.7 nm, season total: 922.2

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you guys are having a great sailing summer!

    I'm very impressed that you have daily blog entries, many with photos - bravo, it's quite the interesting read.


    aka The Hamster, from my blog,
