Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Friday 31st July

It poured down during the night and the day started rainy.  But it cleared up pretty soon and we headed for the laundromat on our bikes.  We quickly discovered that Halifax is a very hilly city and by the time we got to the laundromat, the sun was out, we were hot and the laundromat was even hotter.  Once the first half of the laundry was done, Ron brought it back to the boat and then returned to the laundromat just as Teresa was finishing up folding the remaining laundry.  We went for a ride into the downtown area with the 2nd half - how many people take their laundry for a ride downtown?) 

Halifax has a long boardwalk along the waterfront where it seems most of the tourists end up and we joined them.  It’s a nice town and the waterfront was very reminiscent of Boston.

Brenda and Vin were on the way to Halifax so we returned to the boat at about 5:30pm, to find them already there.  They docked behind us, we all queued for the single shower and then went out by taxi for an Indian meal. 

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