Saturday, August 1, 2015

Monday 27th July.

We left Port Howe with some pretty decent headwinds and seas and motored out of the bay (slowly).  Once out however we changed course towards the sw and with sse winds, hoisted the sails and set a course for Webber Cove, 45 12.0N 61 21.42W.  We changed course again to round a headland and found ourselves on a beam reach in 15 knot winds doing 7-8 knots.  So we decided to press on to Fishermans harbour, 45 06.66N 61 40.86W.  We were sailing fast with southerly winds and figured we’d get to Fishermans too early, so not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, changed our plans again and headed for Liscomb Mills, 45 00.61N 62 06.08W

A few miles offshore and in 140 feet of water we found the only crab pot buoy in the area and picked it up on one of our rudders.  The wind was too strong and the wave too big to try to untangle it so we cut the line.  I wondered if it had drifted off position, since it seemed a long way out and a long way for a fishing boat to reap its harvest.  Anyway, we had little choice.  And once again, there was a lot of line on the surface. 

It was a great days sail, albeit a little rolly with 4-6ft seas.  We sailed just over 50 miles at an average speed of just over 6 knots (including weighing anchor and untangling the pot).  Wouldn’t mind a few more passages like that, particularly since we were sailing against the prevailing winds. 

Liscomb River is beautiful, and our anchorage at the end was even beautifuller!  There is a resort here, with a dock, but the dock was full which was why we anchored.  The resort allowed us to use their facilities however, so after a cold day we took a sauna, had a shower and a nice meal in the restaurant. 

Ships Log: 4940.9, Todays Log: 52.9, Seasons Total: 493

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