Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Monday 3rd August

Weatherwise, today was a repeat of yesterday.  Hot with light winds early, then a very nice sailing breeze in the afternoon.  So we motored for 2 ½ hours and sailed for 4 ½.  The sailing was great and by the time we arrived at LaHave, 44 14.50N 064 20.38W, we had forgotten about the motoring in the morning!

Dragonfly, as usual, arrived way before us and had found a nice spot to anchor, so we dropped our hook nearby them.  Ron, Teresa and Vin went for an exploratory walk ashore.  Just as we were setting off in the dinghy, SnowCat, the leader of the BWSC cruise arrived and dropped her hook.  On the way back from the walk we stopped by in the dinghy to say hello. 

Then Julia – another BWSC cruise boat arrived.  Julia, with Jack and Toy aboard, are impressive in the amount of sailing they do.  Even in light winds apparently, they sail as much as possible, often arriving quite a bit later than the other BWSC boats.  We tend to prefer to arrive at a destination with time to explore and it’s often a difficult balance.  On this occasion, Julia sailed right up to the spot she had chosen to anchor, and must have had her engine on for only about 5 minutes, when setting her anchor! 

Teresa and Ron had a refreshing swim and sun shower, and then we all dined aboard Dragonfly. 

Ships Log: 5102.5, Todays Log: 30.2, Seasons Total: 654.6

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