Monday, August 17, 2015

Thursday 13th August.

We left in thick fog for Eastport, ME, 44 54.28N 066 59.01W just managed to see a little of Grand Manan when it lifted briefly.  The sail across the Grana Manan channel was also foggy, but it cleared a little when we reached Campobello Island, 44 57.44N 66 54.12W and we saw some of the beauty of this area.  We also saw a few dolphins, seals and a variety of birds.  It’s a big whale watching area however we didn’t see any. 

We cleared US customs, picked up a mooring at the Chowder House had lunch and took our bikes ashore to explore the town.  It was now sunny and warm – yippee!
We returned to the boat, Ron planned the next days trips and Teresa did the laundry.  We had dinner at the Chowder House with Brenda and Vin and had an early night in preparation for an early start tomorrow. 

Ships Log: 5363.5, Todays Log: 20.2, Seasons Total: 915.6

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