Monday, August 17, 2015

Saturday 15th August.

We had planned to leave at 10:30 to catch fair tides to Seal Harbor, 44 17.42N 068 14.51W, so we had time in the morning for a nice walk along the beach.  We were so close to the beach that swimming in would have idyllic, but not in water that was 13°C, (55°F) thank you very much!  We took the dinghy instead!  The beach was as nice as it looked from the boat. 
We set off as planned for Seal Harbor, 44 17.42N 068 14.51W, and started negotiating the many lobster floats in the harbor.  Nothing changed when we were out at sea and we both had to keep a constant watch for floats the entire day.  To make matters worse, the day ended with us squinting into the sun trying to locate the **** things. 

Brenda and Vin overtook us at about 4pm and arrived at Seal Harbor before us.  They didn’t like the limited anchoring room so pressed on to North East Harbor.  By the time we arrived at Seal harbor, we had had enough squinting into the sun and were ready to drop anchor, so we took a look and found a couple of likely looking spots and dropped the hook. 

Soon after the steaks were on the grill …

Ships Log: 5452.8, Todays Log: 42.6, Seasons Total: 1004.9

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