Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Tuesday 4th August.

Happy birthday to our reader – (that’s you Harvey!)

Another similar day wind wise – light in the morning, and a stronger, better sailing breeze in the afternoon.  However, the sunshine was replaced by fog today – thick fog.  At one point, the gps guided us close to a navigational buoy and we were about 100’ from it before we saw it – that’s 3 boat lengths!.  Thank goodness for modern navigational aids. 
Once again we motored for 3 hours, then sailed for 3 hours hard on the wind. 

We made it to Brooklyn, 44 03.12N 064 41.45W without incident, and just when we entered the harbour, the fog lifted and we had a beautiful sail up to the marina. 
We (Ron, Teresa, Brenda and Vin) rode our bikes to Liverpool and toured the lighthouse.  Couldn’t find any traces of the Beatles here though so we biked back to the boats, took a shower and went back to Liverpool by cab for a delicious dinner at the Privateer Restaurant and Pub. 

We got back to the boats, and the forecasted thunderstorms started in the distance.  We were sitting on the boat, writing this very blog, listening to them getting closer and closer.  Then, BANG, there was a load crash and the boat kinda lit up.  So I guess we got hit.  Right now, (10:40pm) nothing seems damaged, but we’ll wait until morning to assess the navigational equipment …  We have however, lost the marina’s internet connection, so perhaps they got hit as well. 

Ships Log: 5130.7, Todays Log: 28.2, Seasons Total: 682.8

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