Sunday, August 16, 2015

Tuesday 11th August.

We awoke at 6:25 to find Dragonfly gone!  Oh well.  We set off at 7pm in fog, headed for a hopefully pretty trip through Westport, 44 16.00N 66 20.40W, but it was still very foggy and we saw almost nothing of this passage.  After heading across the Bay of (No)Fundy, the fog cleared until we got to the shipping lanes, when it returned in earnest.  Eventually it cleared when we were about 8 miles from Grand Manan, 44 45.74N 066 44.88W.  I guess that’s par for the course in these parts.  The good news is that we had strong (15-20 knt) southerly wind the whole day which made for a fast passage across most of the bay.  We ended up with light winds and foul tides so had to resort to the motors. 

Brenda and Vin had arrived several hours before us and were on the dock to take our lines, which was appreciated since it was then blowing hard (18 knts) again when we arrived.  We tied up, and invited Brenda and Vin to bring their dinner to Quinita.  (That’s sometime how it is when cruising on small boats!).  Had an enjoyable evening.  Looking forward to exploring Grand Manan tomorrow. 

Ships Log: 5343.3, Todays Log: 50.5, Seasons Total: 895.4

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