Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Monday 17th August.

Since the days are getting noticeably shorter (it’s dark at 8:15pm in these parts), we’re going to bed earlier and waking earlier.  So we woke around 7am, had breakfast, Ron fixed the composting head fan.  Then we went for a walk around North Haven.  It was another hot day, and when we returned to the boat, we were pleased to find the water temp was 20C (68F).  So we jumped in for a refreshing swim, followed by sun shower to wash the salt off. 

We set off for Tenants harbor, 43 57.88N 069 11.99W, just before 1pm.  It was another day of lobster pot dodging.  This is not fun!  Some pots are brightly coloured, but many are not and are difficult to see until you’re upon them.  At high water, some pots are partially submerged.  On the other hand, the lines on the pots seem to be weighted, so that they hang vertically from the pot and so theoretically are more difficult to catch on a prop or rudder, unlike many in Canada where the lines were floating on the surface!

After 4 hours of staring at the water just ahead of the boat, we picked up a mooring, complements of one of the DEYC members, in Tenants harbor. 

We took a dinghy ride ashore to explore the small town, and were pleasantly surprised to find a pub/eatery.  So we decided to support the local economy and had a very nice meal. 

Ships Log: 5506.7, Todays Log: 18.8, Seasons Total: 1058.8

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